Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here we go...

If you've made it here, I can tell already tell a few things about you. Firstly, you're incredibly bored, but not likely as bored as I am. I, after all, am the one writing posts on a blog about my life that is destined to average about three and half hits per year, all from my parents (or someone else who is irretrievably lost in the depths of the internet). Secondly, you at least have a passing curiosity in what life is like here in New Zealand, or have some type of interest in checking in on me, hopefully not because I owe you money. Thirdly, you know how to use the internet. Well done.

There I am! Look at the ocean and rocks too!
As it says in the column off to the right, this blog will be an attempt to provide a running catalogue of what I'm up to in this tiny country 8 billion miles away from anywhere else. Yes, I realize that I've been here for almost 5 months already, so the first few posts will not be updates so much as recaps of what I've gotten in to. I will post pictures when it makes sense to do so, and maybe some other stuff as well, just to break the general monotony of my forced attempts at humour.  

Whether it's because you're genuinely interested (best case scenario), bored out of your skull (acceptable) or just want to laugh at my pitiful attempts at writing (I'll take it), I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading and looking at whatever I end up posting on here.


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